How To Start A Blog In Just A Few Simple Steps
Always wanted to start a blog? Got a really unique idea? Something that your passionate about, but don’t know exactly how to get started? Well I am here to tell you that you can start today!
Note: Each link in my posts are affiliated in some way, which means that I will be making commission if you purchase any products through my blog. These products are my recommendations based off of what I strongly believe can and will work for you too!
Starting a blog can be a little intimidating. I know, personally, I held off on it for the longest time. I felt intimidated. I felt like I wasn’t good enough. I thought about all of the possible things that could go wrong. And I must say, that is a totally natural human reaction.
We tend to think the worst of a situation before we even attempt to go for it. Looking back, I wish I would have started up my blog so much sooner. If only I’d known how simple it could be!
Blogging can be great for such a wide variety of people. Whether you’re into cooking, gardening, travel, or whatever it may be, you can make a living online doing what it is that you’re passionate about.
A quick rundown of what you need to do to start up your blog:
- Create a domain name
- Sign up with a host
- Set up WordPress under that host
So here we are! These simple steps will guide you guys and get you started on your journey sooner rather than later:
1. Pick a Domain Name
I know, I know. What is that exactly? Your domain name is going to be the official name of your website. Mine, for example, is You want to pick something that is unique and that you would like to use as the face of your blog.
2. Set Up Your Hosting Account
This is where I highly recommend using Bluehost! There are so many hosts to choose from, but I’ve found that Bluehost is compatible for almost everyone. It’s super easy to use, has great customer service, and has very affordable plans. If you sign up through my page, you can actually get a special offer at 3.95/month, plus a free domain! Can’t beat that!
Visit this link and click “sign up now” to get started!
- Once you’ve clicked the link above, you can go ahead and choose your plan. If you’d like to start out with the basic plan (I would definitely add on the domain privacy) to see how you like it, you can go that route and upgrade later on if you’d like. But if you’d really like to dive on in, I recommend the plus or prime plan because you get unlimited storage. You also get the domain privacy as an added bonus for plus and prime.
- Enter your domain name! If you already have a domain, you can also transfer it over. Simple as that.
- Enter all of your account information:
- Select what kind of package plan you’d like to purchase, and add any additional extras (this is where you’d be smart to add the domain privacy if you did go with the basic plan):
- Enter your billing info:
- Create your password and agree to terms of service.
- Login to your Bluehost account:
3. Set Up WordPress
- Pick a theme once you are logged into your Bluehost account, and click “start building.” You can always change the theme of your blog later on.
- Once you are in your WordPress dashboard, click Bluehost in the upper left sidebar.
- Click “Launch” and give your blog a title and description.
That’s it! You have now the proud owner of your very own blog! This is step one of your journey. You can now log into WordPress and start personalizing your blog any way you’d like.
Make sure to start HERE if you haven’t already!
There’s no better time than the present! Take the first step today towards your blogging dreams. Good luck to you all!
Feel free to drop any questions or comments below!