

Often times, people believe that true soul-searching is done by traveling. They tell themselves that if they go somewhere new, then they will begin to have new perspective and ideas about themselves. They believe that if they can only escape the mundane lifestyle they may be leading, then the grass is always greener, right?

I was one of those people. I traveled, not only because i loved to travel, but also because I was expecting some great epiphany about my life that would lead me in the direction towards what i really strove for:


Only after returning home did I realize something. No matter how far you go or how many beautiful places you may experience, there is no escape from yourself. You can travel to the ends of the Earth and still come back feeling empty if you don’t begin to work on yourself here and now.

It can be misleading, when we constantly see multiple ads or “personal experiences” telling us that we need to do more or see more in order to be complete. We are promised fulfillment out of exterior experiences, expecting them to make us feel whole inside, to give us security, to reassure ourselves that we are on the right path. But in all honesty, there is no “right” path. There is only the journey we choose. And and farthest that we need to wander for a true soul-searching experience is exactly where we are standing now.

Happiness truly starts with being content with ourselves and with all that has been given to us. It radiates from the inside out. Travel can be beautiful, and is such a rewarding experience in more than one way. But like anything else, we cannot expect it to fill in the empty spaces within us. We are the creators of our own destinies.

Take time for yourself and reflect on ways that you can love yourself today, in this moment. Let go of your mistakes, forgive yourself, find wholeness in all the imperfections that make you unique, allow yourself to lead the life that you desire.  And when you travel, let it be only an addition to the secure peace and happiness that you already hold deep within your soul. Only then can you really appreciate all the true magic that the world has in store for you.

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