
Beginning To Focus On What’s Important

When someone tells you to focus, what comes to mind? Do you think about your schoolwork? Perhaps, doing your best at some sort of athletic sport? Or maybe you think about focusing in terms of meditation? No matter where this word may lead you, the art of focusing is vital in all aspects of life.

I say “art” because this practice isn’t something that comes easily. In order to really conquer this practice, it will take a lot of time, commitment and diligence.

As I sit here writing this, I can scan over a million different situations that are going on in my life right now. A million different points of interest that are trying to draw my attention and focus it there, distracting me from where I really need to be: which is right here in this very moment.

It is ultimately up to you where you want your attention to go. But whatever you choose to focus on is a fair representation of what you truly believe is the most important aspect of your life. What is it that you will choose?

Family. Friends. Relationships. Travel. School. Money. Art. Music. Food.

Where is it that you would like to invest your time? If there were no societal standards, and we lived in a non-judgmental world, where would you be right now?

Really learning to focus on a goal requires a couple of steps.

1. Resisting Validation

We tend to get swept into the latest trends, what is “cool” or “acceptable” at this point in time, and how exactly we can get just a few more thumbs up on our social media accounts. And in the end, we focus more on the things that don’t matter. We lose our sense of self when we start to allow others to define who we should be.

Craving validation is a totally normal concept because we are an emotional species. We form bonds and relationships. We trust and love and invest ourselves in insurmountable passions.

Life gets us so wrapped up in things that don’t matter, and we often forget about those passions. We forget what drove us to start this journey in the first place. We forget why we ever dared to dream and relinquish ourselves to the possibility that this life is ours for the taking. And in turn, we continually focus on all of the wrong things.

Through trial and error, we eventually learn that the “image” we want to obtain from others may be caused by something deeper within us. Why is it that we seek validation? When there is so much in the world for us to aim toward, why aim toward what others expect of us?

I believe that the whole point of this big, chaotic adventure we call life, is to set our souls free. We must learn to completely escape from the bonds that hold us back that try to form us into one, whole society. We must focus on all of the things that make us individualistic and, in turn, this will bring us together with the right people at the right time.

2. Balance

Like anything in life, there are extremities that must be avoided. The key to focusing is balance. It’s important to not pressure ourselves into believing that this practice must be done at all times.

For example, if we are out and about and realize that we aren’t investing in our practice, it’s ok. There will be times when the focus is there, and there will be times when we just need to be in the moment and let our minds de-stress. Everything must be done in moderation. Most importantly, our goal is always within mind, but not so much as to put us in a state of panic whenever we are out of focus.

3. Realization

There are so many successful, happy people in the world and they all look to have the same idea:What you focus on is ultimately what you will get out of life. Continue to focus on the bad, on the insecurities, and you will continue to feel bad and insecure. But change your mindset, and try optimism for a change, and things will start to fall into place.

As a former pessimist myself, I can honestly say it’s not easy to alter your focus. It doesn’t happen overnight like many people would hope. There are days that will be better than others, whereas there are days that will make you feel like there is no point in continuing. But nothing in life worth fighting for was ever easily attained.

So whether it is art, music, food, family or poetry, delve deepest into what inspires you. Focus on the life that you want to live. Focus on all of the things that your soul is yearning for, all of the dreams that are burning at your fingertips. And keep your focus there for as long as you can. The results just might amaze you.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Anyone have a personal story that they’d like to share?

<3 Val

Check out some of these books that inspired me on my journey:


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